Monday, February 26, 2007

Suburb Quilt 1

The first in an series of mini quilts based on places I have lived.I have finished this one, but have yet to mount it.

I was inspired by Ian Hundley. His work is so meticulous, I would love to see them in the flesh! One of his pieces below:

Saturday, February 24, 2007


Well, I seemed to have conquered a little... for now.

I'm hopeful that one day, I will be able to master a little more - my html is pretty clumsy, can't work out how to make my title transparent, so instead it is super tiny - D is going to try and figure it out.

But hurrah, anyway! I have gotten somewhere!

Now off for a shower, we are having dinner with some friends :P

You've got to be joking!

anthea --


A master blogger

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at

Blogger 2

I'm having soooo much trouble with blogger 2 - how difficult is it to upload a header I ask you? I have worked out that working in Safari with blogger is not so good, all the features aren't there, but I think my page looks better in Safari than IE - the text looks a bit weird on pc's. There is much to learn I guess, so simple for some - terrifyingly difficult for me - and I lost my flickr badge in the upgrade - let's hope I can work that one out!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The pitfalls of Swapping

For the most part I've been pretty lucky with my Swap-bot partners and have received some really lovely things. I've had my share of no sends, three I think, at least two of the people I've sent to have had really low ratings (which irks me as I wonder if they sent anything to their partners!!) and I have received several swaps where it seems to me that the person has not even bothered to look at my profile or made any effort whatsoever.

With the recent changes at Swap-bot (coordinators having time to remove low rated people etc) I think the 'No Sends' will hopefully come down. I like the addition of hearts, this helps to identify those people who have gone all out - but what do you do when you receive something that has had no thought whatsoever gone into it but still satisfies the swap requirements - all you can do is give the person a 5. For example, I received a handmade swap yesterday that was an old Christmas card stuck to a piece of cardboard. Now, it satisfies the swap as I guess you could class it as a 'handmade' greeting card, but really it was a little disappointing.

For me, the swaps are more about a brief, and following that brief to send something to my partner that I think they will enjoy - its not just to see what I get in return, but sometimes I find it all a little disheartening.

Now, I'm going to stop whining.


From Steph who was inspired by Joy . Google your name plus the word needs and put the first 10 entries down. Here's what I got..

1. If Anthea needs someone to go swimming with, I'm only too happy. Christmas has seen a disastrous effect on my nether regions which needs to be removed post ...

2. It's cluttered with toys, clothes and post, making the room neither relaxing or inviting. Anthea needs to get Jayne motivated before there's any chance of ...

3. We look forward to hearing from you! Contact:, Anthea Needs (Tel: 01628 781430). Email:, anthea.needs Information provided on 18/12/2006 ...

4. Anthea addresses the needs of highly specialized corporations, specifically within the sectors of information technology and telecommunications, energy, ...

5. Whether it be for yourself or for your company, you will find the Anthea training program which corresponds to all your specific needs. ...

6. If you ask me, Anthea's 'Tom Cat' of a husband needs to rediscover Anthea's feminine side or take her to adopt the infant population of a small unfortunate ...

7. Anthea needs no introduction to Cumbrian audiences. ... Anthea Bremner appointed as musical director. Anthea needs no introduction to Cumbrian audiences. ...

8. As an individual or for your company you will find the training programme corresponding to your specific needs at Anthea . Whatever the questions you may be ...

9. Anthea meets the needs of highly specialized companies in sectors such as computing and telecommunications, energy, logistics, manufacturing, life sciences ...

10. With a team of project managers, linguists, and highly qualified engineers, ANTHEA meets the needs of the most demanding companies in Europe, America, ...

I just didn't realise how 'corporate' I was, and I do like to swim - but I'm not sure if I want to adopt the infant population of anything and I wouldn't class D as a 'Tom Cat'.....

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Back to work, slower crafting

Being back to work has put a dent in the crafting extravaganza that's been going on around here... ah for the life without work! Saturday night lottery is for 20 million and tonight we were at my mum's talking about what we'd do if we won (none of us actually buy the tickets - just fantasising about is enough) and I said "Imagine all the crafting you could do..." much to the amazement of my sister and husband, but my mum got it so that's okay : )

Swaps sent earlier in the week:

For Monique:

For Barbara:

For Joy:

Links later, I don't want to spoil it!