Well, here it is finally, my list of 101 things to do or try in 1001 days - as inspired by
Claudia .
1. In the spirit of Claudia’s list: Give away 50 things that I own to people who will appreciate them more than I do.
2. Read more novels – at the very least one a month.
3. Drink two litres of water a day.
4. Build on the family room and spare room.
5. Learn to do leadlighting.
6. Make a full sized quilt.
7. Sort through my wardrobe and get rid of things that don’t fit or I don’t wear.
8. Put together our wedding album and get it published or at bound professionally.
9. Attend a WEA course.
10. Make a pair of boots, ankle boots, summer thongs and going out shoes.
11. Make David a pair of shoes.
12. Engage in more swaps and blogging contributions.
13. Learn to massage (through a course).
14. Throw a dinner party for different friends every couple of months.
15. Start up the fortnightly knitting session we used to do.
16. Spend some time writing. Start small.
17. Tile the toilet and laundry.
18. When I’m feeling lazy – get off my butt and go for a walk or make something.
19. Make some of my own clothes.
20. Cook a new dish every week.
21. Paint the kitchen.
22. Make gifts for people rather than buying them. Try for a purchase free (other than craft supplies!) Christmas 2006 or 2007.
23. Tackle the Bathroom.
24. Landscape the backyard.
25. Make a tailored jacket.
26. Start a drawing journal.
27. Speak to a friend on the phone – just to catch up – once a week.
28. Get the bikes fixed and go for rides around the port.
29. Be more thankful for my wonderful husband.
30. Go out for coffee more often with friends.
31. Travel overseas with David. Visit friends in England and the States.
32. Restore copper birds from Nan’s friend.
33. Learn how to play Xbox with David.
34. Attend a wine appreciation course.
35. Frame my tapestries for the bedroom with Dad.
36. Make more use of the workshop.
37. Remove clutter from cupboards – be ruthless – get rid of things I don’t like.
38. Work with Mum and Lyss on some children’s books.
39. Listen to a couple of my old cds every week.
40. Buy an art book every month or so.
41. Investigate starting a hand made market. Encourage friends to participate.
42. Go for a walk everyday for 30 minutes.
43. Paint the feature wall in the bedroom.
44. Add to our family of two.
45. Try to worry less about my arthritis and get on with things.
46. Stop hoarding things – if I can use them – do it!
47. Eat less take out.
48. Worry less about money.
49. Forgive people and don’t hold any grudges.
50. Have a massage once a month.
51. Learn how to use Illustrator.
52. Start another tapestry – maybe another peacock skirt.
53. Write more letters to friends far away.
54. Sort through the craft room and organise – this could take awhile.
55. Spend more time with family.
56. Organise my photographs.
57. Think positively about people and try not to get bogged down by other people’s negativity.
58. Go kite flying with David.
59. Set up a screen printing frame.
60. Balance work and home time – help David to do this as well.
61. Paint three large canvasses for the house.
62. Have my hair cut and learn to do it like a hair stylist.
63. Make curtains for the craft room.
64. Go out for breakfast with friends.
65. Go to bed at a reasonable time on weeknights.
66. Limit myself to one magazine a week.
67. Knit a jumper.
68. Go for walks on the beach.
69. Make some items and give away to a charity.
70. Learn to appreciate everything I have.
71. Be true to myself – do things because I want to, not because I feel I have to.
72. Reach my goal weight of 65 kilos.
73. Laugh as much as I can.
74. Hire a uni or tafe student to clean the house fortnightly.
75. Burn more candles.
76. Collaborate online regularly.
77. Visit the zoo.
78. Make something new each week.
79. Organise my magazines.
80. Do more baking.
81. Pull out all the plants I don’t like in the front yard – save the ones I can for new homes and replace with ones I do like.
82. Learn how to use Flash.
83. Spend more time with my grandparents.
84. Write some poetry.
85. Get a new wardrobe for the bedroom.
86. Make lavender satches with lavender from front yard.
87. Eat more healthy foods. Cut meat out of one or two days every week.
88. Encourage David with his ideas.
89. Try to finish projects before starting new ones.
90. Spend more time on my appearance.
91. Have more flowers in the house.
92. Play more board games.
93. Get contact lenses.
94. Learn about the intricacies of my blog ie. How to put an image in my header!
95. Find a design I really like or draw one to get as a tattoo.
96. Make curtains for the craft room.
97. Paint the mantelpiece in the lounge.
98. Go to as many Fringe and Festival events as possible.
99. Be creative as much as possible.
100. Re-do the Spinning Pretty Website
101. Sand and stain kitchen floorboards.
Phew, am I going to be busy!